There are cases, when restart of the web-app on every resource change is not optimal (too slow). Specifically for such cases Gretty implements "fast reload" feature. Fast reload handles changes in src/main/webapp directory: whenever some files within this directory are changed, these files are copied into running web-app without web-app restart.
Gretty version 1.1.4+ supports inplaceMode property (see below), allowing to accelerate resource reloads by serving files directly from src/main/webapp (thus avoiding file copy on change).
You can configure fastReload feature by adjusting the gretty configuration properties:
fastReload boolean.
When set to false, fast reload feature is disabled. Effect: any resource changes will cause full restart of web-app (as far as scanInterval is set to non-zero, see Hot deployment).
When set to true (the default), webAppDir folder (which is typically src/main/webapp) is set as being fast-reloaded. That means: whenever some files within webAppDir are changed, these files are copied into running web-app without web-app restart.
fastReload function(String) or function( The specified directory or file is added to fast-reloaded resources.
fastReload function(Map). Map may contain the following properties:
"baseDir" is required and should have type String or If baseDir represents a relative path, gretty tries to find corresponding existing folder in the following directories:
"$project.buildDir/resources/main" each resolved subfolder within these folders is added to fast reload.
"pattern" is optional and should have type String or java.util.regex.Pattern.
If "pattern" is not specified, then all files within baseDir are fast-reloaded.
If "pattern" is specified, then only the files, whose relative (to baseDir) path satisfies "pattern", are fast-reloaded, other files are full-reloaded.
"excludesPattern" is optional and should have type String or java.util.regex.Pattern.
If "excludesPattern" is not specified, then "pattern" fully defines which files are fast-reloaded.
If "excludesPattern" is specified, then those files whose relative (to baseDir) path satisfies "excludesPattern", are not fast-reloaded. "excludesPattern" is always applied after "pattern".
inplaceMode can be "soft" or "hard" (default "soft"). When "hard", the web-server serves the resources (of the given web-app) directly from src/main/webapp. When "soft", the web-server serves the resources (of the given web-app) from build/inplaceWebapp.
Gretty fast reload assumes the following defaults:
fastReload property is set to true.
Fast reload always excludes the following files: *.jar, *.class, web.xml, web-fragment.xml, jetty.xml, jetty-env.xml, tomcat-users.xml, WEB-INF/lib/**, WEB-INF/classes/**
. That means: when these files are changed, web-app is fully restarted.
You can add more than one fastReload specification. In such case all specified directories are fast-reloaded.
Gretty supports fast reload only on non-test gradle tasks. Any test tasks (including integration test tasks) run without fast reload. The generated products also run without fast reload. |