GroovyCastException while starting web-app with Gretty

Don’t try to apply from "grettyX-X.plugin" AND define classpath for gretty simultaneously:

// ATTENTION: this script does not work! It contains error!
buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'org.akhikhl.gretty:gretty:+'

repositories {

apply from: ''

Here the following happens: gradle loads gretty-plugin JARs twice, class-loading gets confused and you get exceptions like GroovyCastException.

Exceptions when using Jacoco code coverage on JDK-8

If you get exceptions when using combination JDK-8 + Gradle 1.1x + Jacoco + Gretty, you are very likely hitting a problem of compatibility between JDK-8 and earlier versions of Jacoco. This is fixed by adding the following to your "build.gradle":

jacoco {
  toolVersion = ''

or, if you don’t want to depend on concrete version of Jacoco and prefer to use the latest available version:

jacoco {
  toolVersion = '+'